no ai – projects without artificial Intelligence

Projects without artificial intelligence

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For trust in your authentic,
human-made work.

NO AI is the quality standard for authentic creative works – made entirely or partially without artificial intelligence.

Why become a member.
Members exclusive perks.

Exclusive NO AI Logos for Members

Get access to 9 logo variants in PNG, SVG, and PDF for print and web. Use the logos freely in your projects, showing your commitment to AI-free creativity. Available as long as you’re a member. The logos can be downloaded directly from your members area

NO AI Logo Preview

Globally Unique Identification Number for Your Project

Each of your projects receives a unique number, the NOAISIN, which ensures its authenticity and traceability. The NOAISIN makes your project fully recognizable as AI-free, enhancing its credibility and value.

NOAISIN – NO AI Standard Identification Number

Your Own Project Page

Every project gets its own unique page with a detailed description and the NOAISIN for authenticity. Showcase your work, build credibility, and provide all essential info in one place. With external link to your homepage or projectpage or to your prefered online shop.

NOAISIN – NO AI Standard Identification Number

Your Own Member Profile

As a NO AI member, get your personal profile page to showcase your skills and all your projects in one place.

NOAISIN – NO AI Standard Identification Number

Authentic Creation, Human Expertise, No AI, Pure Art, True Craftsmanship, Handmade Excellence, AI-Free Creativity, Original Thought, Creative Integrity, Genuine Innovation, Unique by Nature, Human Touch, Unmatched Authenticity, Verified Quality, 100% Human-Made, AI-Free, Copyright-Safe, True Ownership, Protected Creativity, Copyright Secured

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